Quotes of Julian Assange:
Julian Assange is the most controversial information spreader in the modern information world. Though he is an Australian but his thoughts for the whole world’s people is really praise worthy. Really astonishing. Let’s see some famous biggest best quotes of Julian Assange.
“In the history of Wikileaks, nobody has claimed that the material being put out is not authentic.” –Julian Assange
“What are the differences between Mark Zuckerberg and me? I give private information on corporations to you for free and, I’m a villain. Zuckerberg gives your private information to corporations for money and he’s Man of the Year.” –Julian Assange
“Facebook, Google and Yahoo are allowing the CIA to access your data via a specially designed interface.” –Julian Assange
“Facebook is the most appalling spying machine that has ever been invented.”-Julian Assange
“Wikileaks is a mechanism to maximize the flow of information to maximize the amount of action leading to just reform.”-Julian Assange
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