English Proficiency Test-Preposition Exercises M.C.Q-Part-01. There are some English Speaking Countries in the whole world. Most of the countries’ mother tongue is not English. But once upon a time the British has ruled all over the world. So from that historic moment it is considered very important to learn English perfectly. By learning English language a country can communicate with others very easily. It’s why most of the students have to learn English grammar adroitly. Preposition is one of the most important sector in learning English Grammar. I don’t want to elaborate that what is Preposition. But learning preposition will make easy your English speaking. Bangladesh is one of the third world countries. Preposition is a very vital exam part here in different competitive exam such as B.C.S, Bank Exam, Job Exam, Non Cadre Exam, Regular Class exam etc. So one should learn preposition with accuracy. From the above perspective I have arranged some Preposition Exercises in several parts. These quiz type exams will be taken with Multiple choice Questions. You have to select the best answer. Time is limited. So let’s click on “Start Quiz”
English Proficiency Test-Preposition Exercises M.C.Q-Part-01
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