Ministry of Health Bangladesh Job Circular 2015. Health Ministry of Bangladesh published a job circular on the Daily Ittefaq on April 25, 2015. The last date of Application for this job circular is May 12, 2015. There are total 22 types of third class posts and total 18 types of fourth class vacant posts in this job circular. Te name of the posts are such as store keeper, steno typist, office assistant cum computer operator, driver, health assistant, computer operator, ticket clerk, record keeper, lady home visitor, junior mechanic, ward master, office assistant cum data entry operator etc. It would be better to go through the below given job circular to know in details. You can click on the image to enlarge it and view clearly.
Ministry of Health Bangladesh Job Circular 2015
South Bangla Agriculture and Commerce Bank Job Circular

Download the Circular
So if you want to create a better career in Bangladesh Health Ministry then never be late to apply within the above mentioned date. Remember that the Bangladesh Govt. is going to pay its’ employees with high salary from the next july, 2015. So it is really very tough now a days to get a govt. job in Bangladesh. If you have any comments or feedback on Ministry of Health Bangladesh Job Circular 2015 then please go to the comment section. Like our Facebook Fan Page and Follow us in Twitter.
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