JSC Result 2014 Rescruitiny Process:
JSC Result 2014 Rescruitiny Process has been started from today. If you are one of them who want to recheck their result then you have to follow the following process. The scruitiny process will be last long up to January 06, 2015. Within this period you have to apply through mobile sms by providing the mentioned cost. I think if there is any doubt then it will be the best to recheck the result. You will be able to earn a lot in your whole life but you can’t change your obtained result after the mentioned rescruitiny duration.
Only through Teletalk mobile operator you can apply for rescruitiny your JSC Result. So read the instructions well and follow step by step.
Also Read:
JSC Result and JDC Result 2014 with Full Mark Sheet
So don’t miss the chance to rescruitiny your JSC Result. Because it can change your whole life. To err is human. So if you get any type of mistake in your result then take it easy. Don’t be so emotional and excited. Like me in Facebook and follow in twitter.
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