Some Most Important Definitions of Land Law of Bangladesh. Every year a lot of people sell their lands to others. In the same way a lot of people buy lands from these lands sellers. But most of them don’t know the proper way of selling and buying land laws of Bangladesh.
Some Most Important Definitions of Land Law of Bangladesh
As a result murder, extortion etc occurred in the whole country. In a survey it is found that about 80% killing incident happen in Bangladesh related to land quarrel. This is really a shocking news for every one of us. Specially for those who want to buy a piece of land from others for an special reason. So it would be better to know about some definitions related to land laws of Bangladesh so that we can avoid quarrel and unexpected harassing incidents. So read the follow given definitions such as Namjari, Joma-Kharij, Khotian, Porcha, Mouja, Tofsil, Dag, Chuta dag, Khana Puri, Amin, Kistowar, Khagna, Dhakhila, DCR, Kobuliyot, Farayez, Warish, Sekosti, poyonti and Dolil.
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In the next part I will tell about how to buy a land or how to create khotian or namjari etc. Hope you will check this site again to get those information.
Hope the above given some Most Important Definitions of Land Law of Bangladesh will help you a lot. Specially when you don’t know anything about land. But you want to buy a land. What ever may be the reason! I will also write furthermore on this topic. So that all of us become the owner a piece of land without any kinds of problem. Like Our Facebook Fan Page and Follow us in Twitter.
h miah says
Why is this important information not available in English? You will be doing the wider world a great service if you were to do this. Also, perhaps the court procedure to challenge such disputes would also be of assistance.
Keep up the good work.