Trust Bank Job Circular 2015 for The Freshers. Trust Bank Limited is one of the most famous Private banks of Bangladesh. Recently this Bank has published a job Circular for two vacant posts. These are Junior Officer and Trainee Assistant Officer /Trainee Assistant Cash Officer. The last date of application for these posts is June 02, 2015. No job experience has been required for these vacant job posts. So it would be very easy to apply for the freshers to get this bank job. You have to apply through online. The applicants age must not exceed 30 years on June 02, 2015. You have the mentality to work anywhere in Bangladesh. You will get an option named Preferred Job Location in online job submitting system. There you submit your job area preferences. If you become selected for this job then you have to complete one year probation period. Attractive remuneration will be paid to the fresh employees. For details go through the below given job circular.
Trust Bank Job Circular 2015 for The Freshers
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I want to share some true experiences. Always remember that, It is always tough to start a career in Banking Sector. But it is more tough to carry on your job in Banking sector. Tgough the Private Banks of Bangladesh telling that you are permanent. But when you will not be able to meet up your FDR, DPS or some other type of targets then the Bank authority will make an employee bound to resign. So as a result your Banking career will turn into jobless career. Now a days some private banks has started this type of cruel technique. So it would be better to get a job in a govt. bank. It would be the best to be a B.C.S Cadre. Because these are secure jobs. It is tough to get these jobs. But if you study hard then it is not impossible to be a B.C.S Cadre.
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