Primary Scholarship Result 2014. Primary School Certificate (P.S.C) Scholarship Result will be published today after 2.00 P.M. P.S.C Result 2014 was published on December 30, 2014. Now it is the time to get reward through Scholarship Result. In an special announcement the P.S.C authority has confirmed that the result will be published today after 2.00 P.M on their official website. Last year total 52,000 students got the P.S.C Scholarship. Total 26,000 students in talent pool and total 32,000 students in General category achieved the scholarship. This year the P.S.C scholarship will be given among 55,000 students. Generally if a students result is A+ then probably he/she will get this P.S.C scholarship. You can also check the result here by providing necessary information.
Primary Scholarship Result 2014
Total two categories of scholarship will be granted. One is Talent pool Scholarship and the another is General Category Scholarship. Today a lot of people will search get the Primary Scholarship Result 2014 on PSC’s official website. So it can crash for its’ huge traffic. So if you check your result from here as a subway then I think it will reduce the pressure on the main site and as a result everybody will get the result instantly from anywhere of the world. So check the Scholarship result from the below given box instantly.
Download The District Wise Scholarship Result 2014
Result via Mobile S.M.S:
You can also get the result via mobile S.M.S. Just go to the message option of your mobile and type –
For General Students:
DPE<space>Thana/Upazila Code No.<space>Roll Number<space>Year and Send to 16222
For Ebtedayee Students:
EBT<space>Thana/Upazila Code Number<space>Roll Number<space>Year and Send to 16222
Congratulation to all of them who has been selected for PSC Scholarship. If it become impossible or hard to get out or check the result then Just write down your necessary information with roll number in the comment section and I will try to give you the result in reply. If you have any comments related to Primary Scholarship Result 2014 then please let me know which can help me a lot. Stay updated for any type of exam result, Scholarship of job news by liking Our Facebook Fan Page.
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