Primary Education Board Result 2014:
Primary Education Board Result 2014 will be published today by the education ministry of Bangladesh at 12.00 P.M. The result will be published in their official website There are two sections in this result. One is General education and the other is Madrasha (Ebtedayi) Education. PSC exam was started on November 23, 2014 and ended on November 30, 2014. This exam was held in 6,791 centers across the whole country and in 11 centers out of the Bangladesh. Total 30,94,265 students appeared in this exam from all over Bangladesh.
PSC means Primary School Certificate. Today a lot of applicants will search their PSC and Ebtedayi Primary Education Board Result 2014 in Primary Education Board’s website. So a lot of pressure will have to face that website and perhaps it can’t be afford to provide the result at a time. So it will be wise to get the result from So let’s check your result. You just need to input examination type, District, Thana/Upazilla, Passing Year and Roll Number and then click Submit. Now you will get your result.
You can also get the PSC and Ebtedayi Primary Education Board Result 2014 through mobile SMS. Internet is not available in all place of Bangladesh in 3g Speed. So you can take the help of Mobile SMS to get the result easily. So let’s see how?
After sending SMS you can get the result instantly. Otherwise if it is becoming late to get the result then it will be wise not to send SMS again. When the SMS server will be free you will instantly get the result. Hope you understood. If not then please comment in the comment section.
If you want the PSC and Ebtedayi Primary Education Board Result 2014 manually then just put your examination type, District, Thana/Upazilla, Passing Year and Roll Number in the comment section logging with facebook account and we will give you the result. Like our Facebook Fan Page and Follow in Twitter.
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