Khulna University Latest Job Circular Bangladesh. There are some public Universities in Bangladesh. Recently Khulna-University has published a job circular for the post named Assistant Registrar on April 04, 2015 in the Daily Kalerkontho. The last date of submitting application is April 19, 2015. You just need to face the viva-voce to get this lucrative job. The job in a University in Bangladesh is really very valuable and lucrative. Because you will get a lot of opportunities by continuing a job in any University of Bangladesh. The best advantage is you have no transfer from one place to another which the BCS cadres face. So they lead an unhappy life and always miss their sweet family. On that point of view the job in any University is really a DEER of Gold. Hope you understood. It would be better to go through the below given job circular to know in details. Hope this job will change will change your future plan.
Khulna University Latest Job Circular Bangladesh
Cadet College Bangladesh Job Circular 2015

Bureau of Non Formal Education (BNFE) Job Circular 2015
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